Processed OK hotel master code: 1539039, Language: en
Processing language: es

Start processing master|Master|1539039|Language|es
Get hotel info by default process. Combining hotel infos|Master|1539039|Language|es
*** Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers ***
     Supplier: 9023 - Service called - Response: OK

Result. HotelInfos obtained for every supplier
Time (ms) 125 |End Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers

     Info by master code
          City code: 3610
          Country code: 174
          Category code: 5*
          Category name: 5 Stars
          Country name: Maldives
          Address country name: Maldives
          City name: MALDIVE
          Address city name: MALDIVE
          Address line: North Male Atoll, Maldives
          Zip: 20097
          Region code: 0
     Section type: 1
          Supplier: 9023
               Description section
                    Name OK ==> Using value: [Four Seasons Explorer]
                    Hotel descriptions OK ==> Using value: [
                         Join us for our new Summer of Mantas cruises from July 1 to October 31, 2021, aboard Four Seasons Explorer alongside experts from The Manta Trust., 
                         Join us for our new Summer of Mantas cruises from July 1 to October 31, 2021, aboard Four Seasons Explorer alongside experts from The Manta Trust. Journey through the Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, following the world’s largest known population of oceanic ballerinas – and their whale shark friends – around the plankton-rich waters of Rasdhoo, South and North Ari Atolls. Dive and snorkel along remote reefs, savour sandbank barbecues and indulge in spa treatments on uninhabited islands. Then retire to the sleek, spacious en-suite cabins of our private, three-deck catamaran as you prepare for a new day of Maldivian magic.]
                    Hotel description Names OK ==> Using value: [
     Section type: 3
          Supplier: 9023
               Images section
                    SKIP. Info found will be ignored. Low quality in Images section

*** PROCESS IMAGES *** Images from Site: 9023, Master code: 1539039, isGiata?: false
          Saved XML file in directory: /mnt/disks/content/www/html/static3/15/39/039/items/1539039_es.xml
               Default XML encoding used