***** Start process hotel master code: 316629 ***** Processing language: en Start processing master|Master|316629|Language|en Get hotel info by default process. Combining hotel infos|Master|316629|Language|en *** Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** Supplier: 5040 - Service called - Response: OK Result. HotelInfos obtained for every supplier Time (ms) 99 |End Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** COMBINE PROCESS *** Info by master code City code: 24 Country code: 4 Category code: 2* Category name: 2STR Country name: FRANCE Address country name: FRANCE City name: Vannes Address city name: Vannes Address line: 43 Chemin Du Mur Du Roy, 56370 Vannes, France Zip: 56370 Region code: 0 Section type: 1 Supplier: 5040 Description section Name OK ==> Using value: [Hôtel Le Mur Du Roy] Hotel descriptions OK ==> Using value: [ Many excursions in the bay and the islands, cultural and historic visits, walk alongside the water and for sportier people: Golf, tennis, horse riding and all water sports are possible on the nearby island of Rhuys., Train : gare de vannes nombreux TGV au départ de Paris, possibilité de louer une voiture pour partir à la découverte du golfe. Aéroport de Nantes En voiture : Paris à 483 Kms Rennes à 132 kms Nantes à 109Kms Vannes à 23 Kms Sarzeau à 7 Kms Arrivée sur la Presqu’île de Rhuys prendre la D780 en direction de Sarzeau puis la D199 en direction de Penvins., located on the sea front, du 06/01 au 21/01 - du 10/03 au 22/03 - du 30/06 au 08/07 - du 11/11 au 25/11 - jeudi, A peaceful place at the edge of a wild beach, our hotel will appeal to you with its calm and friendliness. The restaurant and terrace, fully facing the ocean, will provide you with an inventive cuisine with updated regional flavours.] Hotel description Names OK ==> Using value: [ Exterior, Location, In addition, Remarks, General] Section type: 3 Supplier: 5040 Images section Hotel Pics OK ==> Using value: [ https://images.infinitehotel.com/IMG/00ctzstdxoet-hsgoqaTmhtroaTehk/sqaqoe/ihqtllh_x7/@YD/YD/YDBSN/6637_974zb974.jpg] *** PROCESS IMAGES *** Images from Site: 5040, Master code: 316629, isGiata?: false Processing images from site: 5040 Start processing image Source Image Url: https://images.infinitehotel.com/IMG/00ctzstdxoet-hsgoqaTmhtroaTehk/sqaqoe/ihqtllh_x7/@YD/YD/YDBSN/6637_974zb974.jpg Image: https://images.infinitehotel.com/IMG/00ctzstdxoet-hsgoqaTmhtroaTehk/sqaqoe/ihqtllh_x7/@YD/YD/YDBSN/6637_974zb974.jpg. The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms Image: https://images.infinitehotel.com/IMG/00ctzstdxoet-hsgoqaTmhtroaTehk/sqaqoe/ihqtllh_x7/@YD/YD/YDBSN/6637_974zb974.jpg. The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms Exception writing the image: https://images.infinitehotel.com/IMG/00ctzstdxoet-hsgoqaTmhtroaTehk/sqaqoe/ihqtllh_x7/@YD/YD/YDBSN/6637_974zb974.jpg. Message: The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms Warning, all the images processed from site 5040 were invalid (size or error) ==> Continue with next image supplier *** END PROCESS IMAGES *** Saved XML file in directory: /mnt/disks/content/www/html/static3/31/66/29/items/316629_en.xml Default XML encoding used