***** Start process hotel master code: 586812 ***** Processing language: en Start processing master|Master|586812|Language|en Get hotel info by default process. Combining hotel infos|Master|586812|Language|en *** Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** Supplier: 7000 - Service called - Response: OK Result. HotelInfos obtained for every supplier Time (ms) 344 |End Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** COMBINE PROCESS *** Info by master code City code: 3080 Country code: 21 Category code: 2* Category name: 2 STARS Country name: MEXICO Address country name: Mexico City name: PALENQUE Address city name: PALENQUE Address line: Periferico Sur Barrio Los Olvidados S/N Zip: 29960 Region code: 0 Section type: 1 Supplier: 7000 Description section Name OK ==> Using value: [Hotel Castillo Del Rey] Hotel descriptions OK ==> Using value: [ This simple hotel is in Palenque. , hotel: Yes] Hotel description Names OK ==> Using value: [ General, Hotel type] Section type: 2 Supplier: 7000 Address section. City code, city name, country code, country name, address, zip_code and location always obtained from database by master code Section type: 3 Supplier: 7000 Images section SKIP. Info found will be ignored. Low quality in Images section Section type: 4 Supplier: 7000 Additional / Facilities section SKIP. Info found will be ignored. Low quality in Additional/Facilities section Section type: 5 Supplier: 7000 Geocoding section Received: Accuracy: 10 Coordinates OK ==> Using value: (17.5045243000, -91.9790942000) Section type: 6 Supplier: 7000 Category section. Category code and category name always obtained from database by master code Section type: 7 Supplier: 7000 Contact section Phone OK ==> Using value: [0052916345033] Fax OK ==> Using value: [00529163450333] *** PROCESS IMAGES *** Images from Site: 7000, Master code: 586812, isGiata?: false *** END PROCESS IMAGES *** Saved XML file in directory: /mnt/content/www/html/static3/58/68/12/items/586812_en.xml Default XML encoding used