Processed OK hotel master code: 601233, Language: es Processing language: pt Start processing master|Master|601233|Language|pt Get hotel info by default process. Combining hotel infos|Master|601233|Language|pt *** Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** Supplier: 7000 - Service called - Response: OK Result. HotelInfos obtained for every supplier Time (ms) 1004 |End Getting hotel info for distinct suppliers *** COMBINE PROCESS *** Info by master code City code: 2496 Country code: 72 Category code: 4* Category name: 4 STARS Country name: NIGERIA Address country name: Nigeria City name: Ajah Address city name: Ajah Address line: KM 43 Lekki Epe Express Way, Floodgate Street Zip: Region code: 0 Section type: 1 Supplier: 7000 Description section Name OK ==> Using value: [Fourways Hotel] Hotel descriptions OK ==> Using value: [ Fourways hotels stands out as where an “ambiance of comfort” is filled with. Our packages tops Industrial standards, with services that go the extra-mile to ensure you have a fruitful hassle free stay at our hotel. At Fourways Hotel we ensure that you are as comfortable as you can be with world class amenities and services. You can be sure that your stay would be blissful., hotel: Yes] Hotel description Names OK ==> Using value: [ General, Hotel type] Section type: 2 Supplier: 7000 Address section. City code, city name, country code, country name, address, zip_code and location always obtained from database by master code Section type: 3 Supplier: 7000 Images section SKIP. Info found will be ignored. Low quality in Images section Section type: 4 Supplier: 7000 Additional / Facilities section SKIP. Info found will be ignored. Low quality in Additional/Facilities section Section type: 5 Supplier: 7000 Geocoding section Received: Accuracy: 10 Coordinates OK ==> Using value: (6.4709697090, 3.6180823459) Section type: 6 Supplier: 7000 Category section. Category code and category name always obtained from database by master code Section type: 7 Supplier: 7000 Contact section Phone OK ==> Using value: [2,34816E+12] Fax OK ==> Using value: [2,34816E+12] Url Web OK ==> Using value: [https://hotelafri_ca/fourways] Saved XML file in directory: /mnt/content/www/html/static3/60/12/33/items/601233_pt.xml Default XML encoding used